The Session is a group of church members elected by the congregation who are responsible for governing our congregation; guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love and witness. In seeking to help the congregation be and become this community, Session has an important role as it engages in prayerful discernment, and attends to how God’s Spirit may be at work in the congregation and in the broader community. As a faith community, we believe in electing leaders in a diverse and inclusive manner - so that the many different folks who comprise our body are represented by those who lead us. You can see who serves in our Session below:
Wilbur Bryant
William Redding III
John Keifer
Class of 2025
Diana Nixon
Karin Roberts
Sharal Halcomb
Anna Wactor
Tom Ambler
John Stafford
Pat Miskill
Moderator of the Deacons
Debora Mosher
Pennie Snipes
Lisa Harroff
Caroyln Anderson
Mabel Nchotu